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::  International  Biocentric  Foundation  :: 

Rolando  Toro  School  in  Bolonha  -  Italy

Friendship  /  Permanent Training Sphere

Specialization in the Extension:



S é r g i o C r u z


 January 2018 

Biodanza® and Voice

Voice, Music and Percussion

 Module 1st

Bologna - Italy

 Sérgio Cruz


 March  2018

Biodanza® and Voice

(Voice, Music and Percussion and Methodology)

Modulo 2th

 Bologna – Italy

Sérgio Cruz

15 a 19 

 June  2018

Biodanza® and Voice

(Voice, Music and Percussion and Methodology)

Modules 1st and 2th  together   

Oslo - Norway

INFO:Unni Heim

 Sérgio Cruz









Bologna-Italy, 26-27-28 January 2018 - 21st Module

Bologna-Italy, 16-17-18 March 2018 - 2th Module
Friday (20.30 h to 23 h.). - Saturday (from 9.30 pm to 19.30 pm.). - Sundays (from 9.30 am to 18 pm.).
Presentation of official diplomas of the International Foundation for Biocentric extension "Biodanza Voice, Music and Percussion"
Training only for teachers, students under supervision and methodology

Specialization  -  Biodanza®Voice, Music and Percussion 

Theoretical-Vivencial Content of Use of Voice in Biodanza®


   Nature as music’s teacher

   Universal rhythms and biological rhythms

   Melodies and sounds of nature

   Anthropological aspects of music

   Bio-music/The body as the origin of music

   The human voice

•    Emotional words and emotional language

   Visceral voice, internal dance and music

   Rhythmic movement

   Melodic movement

   Organic music and harmony

   Music and singing with an adrenergic effect

   Music and singing with a cholinergic effect

•    Biological and physiologic effects of singing

   Rhythmic singing – Creative singing

   Affective singing – Singing as a caress

•   Shamanic singing – Singing and trance

  Voice, music and percussion together


Module 1


The first module will be mainly “vivencial”, which is of fundamental importance for the experience with voice and percussion given its diverse nuances. We will experience the voice as a musical instrument that produces integrated movement and induces deep vivencias and deep regression.

We will give the introduction related to voice and the “emotional word” in Biodanza.


Module  2


The second module will be mainly theoretical and methodological, and exclusive for those who did the first module which focused on the vivencial marathon of “Voice, Music and Percussion”. We will do several didactic voice vivencias to reinforce our knowledge as facilitators. We will talk about exercises of voice, and their congruence with the theoretical model of Professor Rolando Toro, as well as their possible variations and ways of deepening.


Please bring at least a small musical instrument of percussion


VOICE  in  Biodanza®


The work of integration and liberation of voice in Biodanza is of fundamental importance. I call it  “vocal movement”, or “the dance of voice”. In the integrative goal of Biodanza, voice cannot be isolated from integrated movement, from dance, in which the pelvic, abdominal, diaphragmatic, pectoral, cervical and oral segments flow integrated and freely, extending themselves in resonance to the arms, hands, legs and feet.

The commitment with emotion and with expression should be complete. The spoken word in Biodanza should normally be reduced to a minimum, because it has a strong rational/cortical connotation and structure. But when this spoken word is provoked by emotion it transforms itself into a true dance. 

Many people that work with voice on a daily basis are quite capable of expressing their ideas and objectives with words; however, when it comes to talking about the emotions that are involved in their lives or their passions, the same people block themselves and can barely breath, making integrated dance impossible. In the work of voice in Biodanza, we stimulate this dance in which the rhythm, the breath, the internal and external movements emerge completely integrated. 

Through voice, as musical sound like a sonorous dance as well as singing, we get to vivencia, which is a healing vibration, a pulsation that penetrates and is at same time involving and dissolving the dancer.

The shamans utilize singing to transform disharmonic rhythms into healthy and harmonic rhythmic movements. They breath and sing harmony, like a breeze that caresses the flower of the trees, or like the wind in the ocean waves, or the sand at the beach, or like the water in waterfalls flowing over the rocks.

Healing organic flux reactivates the dance of life and cosmic music.

Integrated movements are music. We just need to feel, admire and experience them.  All our embraces are sonorous, all our encounters with life are musical. 

SINGING and VOICE in Biodanza are vital movements, pure emotion.

Biodanza is movement, emotion, music, and singing. It is certainly the dance of life: the “Art of Existing”.  

Sérgio Cruz


 “All illnesses are musical problems

whose healing consists in finding a musical solution.”


 “What heals is the communion with the healthy,

the genius of sound.”


“The bigger the musical talent of the doctor,

the more complete and faster is the healing process.”




 “The emotions have


 musical forms,


sonorous spaces,


musical love notes.


The vivencias express


themselves in heartbeats of the universe.


If we are connected with our palpitations


everything transforms itself into music.”


Prof. Rolando Toro Araneda

INFO: Tel.+ 39 - 051 651.90.16
Non-residents are invited to bring a sleeping bag
Sérgio Cruz est Professeur Titulaire et Didacticien de Biodanza®. Il est Directeur de l'Ecole Rolando Toro de Bologne et membre de la Fondation Biocentrique Internationale - IBF.
Il collabore avec le Prof. Toro aux stages de méthodologie pour didacticiens et directeurs d'écoles de formation en Biodanza® sud-américaines et européennes et, en particulier, pour la "Musique en Biodanza®" et la "Sémantique Musicale".
Il dirige également des "stages" spécifiques d'approfondissement "vivencial" en Biodanza® dans toute l'Europe, en Amérique du Sud, du Nord et en Afrique.
Il est autorisé par IBF pour former les professeurs pour le "Projet Minotaure", "l'Arbre des Désirs", "Identité et les Quatre Éléments" et "Biodanza® et Voix".