Introductory evenings
They are held about every two months and are the first approach to Biodanza®.
They are similar to the session of a weekly class and include a theoretical part and a practical one (dances, exercises). Their purpose is to let you know and practice Biodanza®.
Weekly ClassesThey are held once a week. Attending continuously and regularly the meetings gives everyone the time to integrate the new experiences and confront them with everyday life.
Their goal is to stimulate progressively essential function leading to an existential self-accomplishment. During the weekly classes the personal peculiarities are mastered through a controlled evolution.
The goal of the workshops is to deepen the specific evolution chances stimulated by Biodanza ® : vitality, sexuality, creativity, affection, transcendence.
Because of the greater amount of time they allows to go deeper into the encounter with ourself, with the other, and with the nature.
They are like an interlude in everyday life which allows us to listen to ourselves and express more freely.
The workshop are organized in proper environments to give hospitality to groups during the weekend.
Training School
The Training schools "Rolando Toro" of Bologna and Roma has the mission to prepare the Biodanza® teachers within the Rolando Toro System.
Authorized by Prof. Rolando Toro and by the "International Biocentric Foundation", these schools follow the rules of the unique world program present in all the South American and European training schools.
The schools of Bologna and Roma will have as a priority the personal development and growth heading to a collective communion, starting from the "Biocentric Principle", from the "vivencia" and from the closeness.
We`ll use the Biodanza methodology in its main purpose, which is to re-educate to the vital motivation, to the authenticity, to the transcendent and affective capacity.
Many qualified teachers, some from South America, will be invited to bring their experience, their didactic skill and their presence.
We`ll work within a group of didactic teachers who will follow the pupils during their training and with many other qualified teachers of Biodanza® who`ll come along with their weekly pupils
Personal talk
It's possible that during the weekly classes or workshop one can find some difficulty to process the vivencias experienced: in this case we offer the possibility of an "affective hearing" as a support to the personal growth path of Biodanza®.